Sunday, March 24, 2019

Binta's Intercultural

Name : Bintari Maria Agustin
Student Number : 40020117060021
English Diploma 2017 of Diponegoro University

Answer the following questions about your own culture. 
I am going to answer the following questions with the culture from Ngawi. Because I come from Ngawi
• What does silence indicate in conversations? Does it always indicate the same thing (e.g., approval or disapproval)
Answer :
In Ngawi culture, when people got into a conversation and they are suddenly stopped saying anymore, it means whether they feel awkward or they don’t even know what to ask and answer again. Silence in conversations sometimes also mean that the speakers are thinking the next right topic. In Ngawi, I think silence to showing that we don’t know exactly about the topic.
• Who can criticize whom? Under what circumstances? In what manner do people make criticisms?
Answer :
People usually do criticism using social media. They speak it out their criticism by writing and share it to public. So, the other would know it easily through their own gadget. In addition, college students usually step down to the street to do demonstration. They would speak out their feeling loudly and sometimes they do oration, but do demostration is very rare.
• How do people invitations? Is it appropriate to insist on someone’s accepting an invitation if he or she has refused several times?
Answer :
If it’s a formal event (wedding ceremony, graduation, etc.), someone usually invite them by sending a formal invitation. But if it’s an informal, they would send people a message through their gadget, asking them to join at their party. 
• In comparing English verbal patterns with those in your own language, have you observed any differences or similarities in boasting, expressing modesty and complaining?
Answer :
In my hometown people very rarely boasting with anger feelings, people usually boasting when there is funny thing in conversation with someone. And when expressing modesty of other people who are not familiar they usually talking using Javanese language krama (Javanese language krama is Java language smooth normally used when speaking to older people).

• You need some money and you are considering asking either your parents or your friend for a loan. How would you ask your parents? And how would you ask your friend?
Answer :
If I ask my parents, I will tell them by phone and the reasons why I need some money, for buy something or for a basic necessity such as buying food and for buying books. I also make sure  that my parents can afford to give money.
Meanwhile, if I ask my friend, I would do it similarly to my parents. I will tell them why I need borrow the money and the reason why I don’t want to ask my parents for it. But first, I am not going to loan too many, just how much I need it necessarily. I will also make sure when the right time to pay the money back to my friend, so they would being sure of lend me their money. 


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