Sunday, March 24, 2019

Ivep's Intercultural

Intercultural Communication assignment by:
Ivep Yuniarti

2. Is it acceptable to interupt to other? If so, when?
Answer :
In Java, silence is an attempt to see the problem more clearly, process and analyze it through the mind and mind. When they will express an opinion .

4. Are there different kinds of invitations extended in your culture? Do they always result in a definite commitment (e.g., " Yes I will come on Saturday")?
Answer :
Yes, there is a few example such as “ I will try to come but maybe i will late” or “I'm sorry, I can't come because there is a sudden event, maybe I will come tomorrow”.

6. In comparing English verbal patterns with those in your own language, have you observed any differences or similarities in giving opinions, asking advice and praising?
Answer :
In Indonesia, expressing that opinion is free because there are laws that regulate but there are limits and must be carried out responsibly. The meaning, in expressing opinions must be based on common sense, good intentions, and norms that apply in society.

8. There are discipline problems in one of your classes. Students are talking all the time and you cannot hear the professor or concentarte on the subject. You feel you must say something about the situation to your prfessor. You also want to tell a friend who is not in the class. What would you say after class to your professor? and What would you say to the friend?
Answer :
First I will reprimand my friend carefully, if my friend doesn't listen, then I will ask the class leader to reprimand my friend too, next I will tell my professor about the problem and also my other friends,  the last one, I will ask the professor to repeat the subject outside the class. I will say to my friend that lets work together and be quiet during the lesson.

10. You have just read an excellent article written by a student you know and a professor whom you don't know very well. You would like to compliment both of them on their well-written article. What would you say to the student? and What would you say to the professor?

Answer :
To my friend :

Dear, my best friend
Congratulation for your best articles ever! You deserve that.
Keep writing, don't stop and do your best


To the Professor :
Dear Mr. Smith
I heard you wrote a very good article. I am very happy to see you work very hard for what you want. Your efforts have been rewarded, no doubt. You really deserve it. I hope they are always rewarded this way in the future too.We have always had high hopes on you and you have always kept upto that.
All the best and keep working hard.

Ivep Yuniarti


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