Sunday, March 24, 2019

Kreshna's Intercultural

Kreshna Cakti Putera
English Department 2017

Intercultural Assignment
1.      What does silence indicate in conversations? Does it always indicate the same thing (e.g., approval or disapproval)
2.      Who can criticize whom? Under what circumstances? In what manner do people make criticisms?
3.      How do people invitations? Is it appropriate to insist on someone's accepting an invitation if he or she has refused several times?
4.      In comparing English verbal patterns with those in your own language, have you observed any differences or similarities in boasting, expressing modesty and complaining?
5.      You need some money and you are considering asking either your parents or your friend for a loan. How would you ask your parents? and How would you ask your friend?

1.      Silence often indicates ambiguity in my everyday conversations, but it does not always indicate the same thing, it also could be an approval or disapproval.
2.      In my daily conversation, almost everyone that I know can criticize anyone. Older people often criticize younger people, they can criticize in almost any circumstances, but it does not mean that younger people not criticizing older people, they sometimes do that to, but often they do it in the formal forum or formal meets. A lot of my friends likes to criticize people, some of them doing it nicely and some of them doing it rudely, but often if it in the forum they doing it nicely.
3.      A lot of people invite other people using the digital way, whether it’s from social media, SMS, e-mail or even telephone, but this kind of invitation often an informal invitation, if the invitations is formal, they usually invite them using letter or anything that more formal. It’s not appropriate to insist people accepting an invitation if they already refused several times.
4.      From what I observed, the patterns are quite similar. Some of my friend like to boasting, they talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about something that he has or achieved. They also expressing their modesty kindly, like if someone offer a food that they don’t really like, they will just say that they already eaten or they are full. In terms of complaining a lot of people that I know complain nicely not rudely.

5.      If I am asking my parents some money, I will tell them that I need something and tell them how much money to fulfill those needs. If I asking my friends, I’ll tell them also the same thing that I said to my parents but I’ll try not to ask for quite big an amount of money if I need a quite big amount of money.


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