Saturday, March 30, 2019

Kreshna's Intercultural 2

Kreshna Cakti Putera
D3 Bahasa Inggris

Intercultural Communication 2nd Assignment
1.      Do you recall from your childhood how you learned aspects of nonverbal language (space, gestures, etc.)?
2.      Are there any expressions or proverbs in your language that say something about nonverbal communication?
3.      What kind of impressions do people form of one another based on nonverbal behavior (e.g., “I don’t trust him because he stares at people.”)?
4.      What should a foreigner learn about nonverbal communication in your country before going there?
1.      I learned nonverbal language from everything that around me; my parents, my friends, strangers on the telephone kiosk (which is a lot of people, because my house ever become a telephone kiosk when I was a child).
2.      Yes, there are some, like; “Kacang lupa kulitnya” which means overbearing people that forgot where he/she came from.
3.      The impressions will differ depends on the nonverbal behavior they showed, and how they showed it. E.g., I will likely thanks people if they cheer me up in the correct situation, and will be mad if they trying to make fun of me.

4.      I think they should learn about gestures, eye contact and behavior, because in my opinion, Java is one of the race that strict about their gestures, eye contact and behavior.


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