Saturday, March 30, 2019

Binta's Intercultural 2

Bintari Maria Agustin
D3 English Department

Intercultural Assignment
1. Do you recall from your childhood how you learned aspects of non-verbal language?
2. Are there any expressions or proverbs in your language that say something about non-verbal communication?
3. What kind of impressions do people form of one another based on non-verbal behavior?
4. What should a foreigner learn about non-verbal communication in your country before going there?
1. As a child, I learned non-verbal language by looking at my parents and my family.
2. Yes, there are some expressions or proverbs in my language that say something about non-verbal communication for examples "Tong kosong nyaring bunyinya" the meaning this proverb is a man talkative usually unknowledge.
3. People around the world is always look other people from non-verbal language and usually it show that they like or dislike this person, for examples "I liked it when he spontaneously wiped away my tears when I was crying", "I like him because he always holds my hand when I feel nervous".
4. The first thing they need to learn is about gestures. Indonesian people like to smile and are very polite.


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