Saturday, March 30, 2019

Dewi's Intercultural 2

Intercultural Communication Assignment

Dewi Arifia
D3 English Department

1.     Do you recall from your childhood how you learned aspects of non-verbal language?
2.     Are there any expressions or proverbs in your language that say something about non-verbal communication?
3.     What kind of impressions do people form of one another based on non-verbal behavior?
4.     What should a foreigner learn about non-verbal communication in your country before going there?

1.     As a child, I learned non-verbal language by looking at my parents and my brother for examples when I was angry, I would be quite and sullen. And if I am angry with my brother or my parents, usually I will avoid and go to where I can be alone.
2.     Yes, there are some expressions or proverbs in my language that say something about non-verbal communication for examples "Lempar batu sembunyi tangan" it means do an activity, but just keep quite as if they don't know.
3.     People around the world is always look other people from non-verbal language and usually it show that they like or dislike this person, for examples "I liked it when he spontaneously wiped away my tears when I was crying", "I like him because he always holds my hand when I feel nervous".

4.     If we visit someone else's house, then we have to knock on the door and give greetings. When they are visiting, foreigners must understand when the Javanese people reach out to food or drink, they are allowing their guests to take food or drink that have been served. 


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